Sunday 20 May 2012

Tree of the Week

Week 15 - Fagus sylvatica; Beech

Couldn't resist it. A personal favourite, Fagus sylvatica is in its prime this week with the intense yet soft green of the new foliage, as ever the stone-grey smooth bark and majestic trunks rising high in to the canopy...I'll have to stop there before I overdo it. It likes a well-drained soil. Autumn colour is a buttery yellow. On a young specimen or clipped hedge the browned leaves will stay on over winter. If you're not sure about identification then look on the ground, and whatever the time of year you are likely to find seed cases, spiny though not sharp like a conker case, and about the size of a Cadbury's mini egg, maybe a bit bigger. Enjoy.

If you want to immerse yourself in the Beech, then read 'Beechcombings' by Richard Mabey, review here.

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