Sunday 18 March 2012

Tree of the Week

Week 6 - Salix caprea; Goat Willow, Pussy Willow

Right now Salix caprea is doing its party trick – fluffy yellow catkins are bursting out from pale-grey  velvety cases all over the branches. This is a small, hardy, native tree and another pioneer species; likely to be growing in damp areas and scrubby neglected ground. When it colonises pond and wetland margins it gradually dries the soil and consolidates the ground with its root system, so think about where you put it/remove it from, as it will have a big effect on the nature of the habitat. The twigs are still leafless at the moment, but just so you know, here is what to look for in late spring – its easy to think of a typical willow leaf as a long thin pointed oval, pale green and quite soft, but beware – this willow has a rounded darker green leaf which is quite tough and nothing like the weeping willow leaf.
For more details about Salix caprea, have a look at the RHSwebsite.

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